Bengaluru (The Hawk): Karnataka police are looking for the woman who honey-trapped Lingayat Seer Basavalinga Sri Swamiji of Kanchugal Bandemutt in Ramnagar district, who committed suicide under suspicious circumstances.
As the case progressed, police sources revealed on Sunday that they had acquired more than 20 video clips of the seer and the woman who was used to honey trap him.
According to preliminary findings, the lady who was honey-trapped is from Bengaluru. However, police sources stated that the deceased seer was spotted moving closely with various ladies, making it difficult for them to determine who among them honey-trapped him.
The films and audios with the woman were utilised by a gang of religious seers and politicians to blackmail and punish the deceased seer, who committed himself by hanging himself in the mutt grounds on October 24.
He had written a suicide note naming a religious seer and a politician as the people who had driven him to commit suicide. Many portions of the suicide note are still missing, and the police have requested people to turn them in or face charges.
As the police search for the woman who, according to the conspiracy, relentlessly trapped the seer. According to police authorities, despite having her photograph, tracking the lady sparrow has proven difficult.
Meanwhile, police sources revealed that one of the sages mentioned in the deceased seer's death note has vanished and is requesting anticipatory bail from the court. More research is being conducted.
(Inputs from Agencies)